Let's stop for a second. Who is a good runner and what characteristics make him that? We know you're a good runner. As long as you are running alone on deserted trails you can let go. But the minute this changes, your rules must change. You do this subconsciously.

A good runner says hi

A good runner observes the surroundings and knows what is going on around him. When another runner is approaching all you do is say a quick hi or do a polite gesture. You don't need to stop to say hi.

This approach is contagious in a positive way.

Never leave trash behind you

You never leave trash behind you even if you are on a marathon or running alone. You shouldn't throw away the empty pack of the gel you just used. Put it in your running belt and throw it into the trash when you come home.

Makes sure he can call for help

Running is an exciting sport but something things can go south. You never go on a run without your phone and money. Because you never know what will happen on your running adventure.

Put your phone, gels, keys, and money into a large and small pocket of your running belt. Sport2People running belt has 2 zippered pockets and is made of water and sweat resistant material so your personal items will remain dry.

Safety first

A good runner like you makes sure for his safety. That's why we designed Sport2People runners belt with 2 reflective darts for increased visibility in the dark. Find out more about Sport2People belt here >>

A good runner always help

If another runner needs help, you stop and help him. Even on a race day.

A good runner spits correctly

We all do it, don't we? But if you are running in the middle of the stream do not spit since you'll most likely spit on someone. The same goes with blowing your nose.

A good runner is aware of stretching

We could not emphasize enough how stretching important is. Standing Hamstring Stretch, lying gluteal stretch against a wall, standing groin stretch, seated hip and ITB stretch are just some of the best stretching exercises for runners.